
Online Store

Standard Process

Whole food nutrition – just as nature intended. Together, Burton Wellness and Injury Center and Standard Process are changing lives by offering high-quality, whole food-based nutritional supplements.

Standard Process is an online store offering high-quality, whole food-based nutritional supplements.

Standard Process was founded by Royal Lee, DDS, in 1929. Dr. Lee committed his life to advancing health through whole food nutrition.

He became very aware of the fact that general agricultural technology in this country was changing drastically to a methodology of utilizing artificial fertilizers and heavy pesticides.

He knew this would have a direct negative impact on the population that consumed the adulterated food. Standard Process Inc., founded in 1929 is committed to advancing health through whole food nutritional supplements.

Exclusively available for purchase at our clinic.


Fastaide® is a liquid herbal formulation of Mother Tinctures and a homeopathic medication designed to bring fast relief of pain due to injuries, rashes, skin lesions/infections and concerns.

Fastaide® disinfects and kills bacteria and germs.  It may be used on any area of the body (except the eyes) that requires rapid healing.  Due to the nature of Mother Tinctures, this preparation may cause a slight stinging sensation to open skin lesions for approximately 5-10 seconds (fanning or blowing on the area quickly eases the stinging) yet will result in significant relief thereafter.

Please note, no adverse reports have ever been made regarding the use of Fastaide®.  If relief is not experienced or conditions do not respond within seven days (7) please consult me or your physician.


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