Welcome to the Services page at Dr. Burton Medical Center, where your well-being is our top priority. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to address your health needs with a holistic and patient-centric approach. As a center deeply rooted in family values, we take pride in offering personalized care and a commitment to your overall wellness.
Chelation Therapy is a revolutionary approach for the treatment of degenerative diseases, including heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, osteoporosis, and heavy metal poisoning. This therapy is where medications are used to remove metallic deposits in the body such as mercury, iron, lead and arsenic. Hundreds of thousands of patients have been given chelation treatments worldwide over the past 50 years.
Treatment is administered via intravenous (IV) infusion of a man-made protein called EDTA {ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid) in conjunction with vitamins and minerals. This enhances circulation, decreases platelet stickiness, removes toxic metals, and clears free radicals from the body without the use of invasive surgical procedures.
Over the past few decades, many alternative physicians have found it very useful to replace hormone deficiencies with hormones that are as close to the natural hormones the body makes. We find them to be safe and more effective than other available hormones in most instances. An example of this is in the case of hypothyroidism.
Parasites are a very primitive life form that lives off another life form to its benefit and to the host’s (the animal infected by the parasite) detriment. Parasites can infect humans in various ways. They can be transmitted through contaminated food, water, soil, or surfaces, or through insect bites and unprotected sex. Some parasites can also be passed from animals to humans.
Once inside the human body, parasites can cause a range of symptoms, including fever, fatigue, skin rashes, blood problems, bowel problems, and even behavioral problems and neurological symptoms.
Dr. Burton has treated parasitic infections with non-toxic homeopathic and/or organic anti-parasitic products for over thirty years.
One of life’s most important functioning components is electricity. It is commonly known that a “jump start” of electricity can revive a heart that ceased beating. Consider the fact that every living cell in the human body is operating electronically.
Jerry Tennant M.D., developed a system of measuring an individual’s electricity and treating ill patients using a device and a method he called simply, “Healing is Voltage.” He invented a device patented as a “Biomodulator” which can measure the level of electricity and treat low voltage by administering varying levels of electrons to specific parts of the body.
Dr. Burton utilizes the BioModulator to stimulate the body at a cellular level through electronic impulses to restore metabolic activity in a targeted area. This treatment results in a reduction of pain and inflammation and restores electricity to the affected area.
Chelation therapy, and infusions of Vitamin “C” helps eliminate heavy metal poisoning, toxin, infections, and other free radical pathologies.
An infusion of a Myers Cocktail supports nutritional health with a combination of B vitamins, vitamin C and other minerals including magnesium, and calcium.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tissues, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue regeneration.
This treatment is widely used in various medical fields, including orthopedics, dermatology, cosmetic surgery, and sports medicine, due to its potential to promote tissue regeneration and recovery.
PRP treatment involves the collection of a small amount of the patient’s blood, which is then processed to concentrate the platelets. These platelets are key components of the blood known for their role in clotting and, importantly, their high concentration of growth factors.
Trigger point injections (TPI) are a common and generally safe way to treat myofascial pain caused by trigger points. A trigger point is a “knot” in your muscle that can cause pain and discomfort. It involves injecting a small amount of anesthetic into the painful spot to help lessen the pain. The injection includes a local anesthetic (a numbing medicine) and sometimes a corticosteroid (a medicine used to treat inflammation). (see more)
TPIs are commonly used to treat myofascial pain in the neck, shoulder, arms, legs, and lower back. Trigger points can develop in any muscle, but the most common muscle groups that are treated with TPIs include a muscle in your jaw, on the sides of your neck), your hip, lower back, the back of your neck and shoulders, the front of your neck and a muscle on the sides of your head.
Natural therapy is an umbrella term for natural disciplines that stimulate the body’s capacity to heal without synthetic drugs or invasive procedures. It incorporates ancient healing philosophies and natural remedies and may also be known as natural medicine or naturopathic medicine. Neural Therapyinvolves micro-injections of a local anesthetic like procaine or idocaine into various tissues to treat pain. (see more)
Nature therapy can take many different forms, but all involve spending time in nature and using the natural world to facilitate healing. Some of the benefits of nature therapy include reduced stress, improved mood, increased energy, and better sleep. These therapies aim to improve the body’s natural healing processes and promote overall wellness
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a medical treatment that involves injecting a concentrated solution of platelets from a patient’s own blood into the target area to promote healing. Platelets are a type of blood cell that play an important role in healing throughout the body, and they contain growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration or healing in the treated area. (see more)
PRP injections are used to treat a range of conditions, including musculoskeletal pain and injuries, joint pain, osteoarthritis, hair loss, sports, injuries, and chronic wounds. In order to create platelet-rich plasma, clinicians take a blood sample from the patient and place it into a device called a centrifuge that rapidly spins the sample, separating out the other components of the blood from the platelets and concentrating them within the plasma. After creating platelet-rich plasma from a patient’s blood sample, that solution is injected into the target area, such as an injured knee or a tendon.
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